Thursday 14 April 2011

A random awesome person in this random awesome world

Around 2 years ago, I was faffing around on the internets, all broken hearted and sad and generally not feeling all that great, and I stumbled upon An Awesome Book.. click the link! In fact.. look at the cover of the book, and you wont be able to resist clicking this link!

I don't remember how I found it, but I was there and it cheered me up infinitely. It's such a wonderful little book about dreaming, and dreaming big, and never stopping. I loved it so much that I stalked the author to his blog and wrote an email to him, saying I hope he never stops. And he apparently never did (nothing to do with my email, I'm very sure!)..

A day or two ago I received a notification from twitter of someone requesting to 'follow' me, it was Mr. Dallas Clayton himself! Not sure what I clicked, but I declined his invite, but I went over to his page anyways, and I was reminded once more of how much I enjoyed his writing, and short illustrated poetry on his blog. So off I went once more, and it was just as fun as it was back then!

I like finding random awesome things on the internet :) To everyone who finds only misery on the web, it's obvious that this is because they never go about looking for the fun and wonderful things it offers! I'm constantly stumbling over absurdly creative people, whose brains I want to pick, and gorgeous, gorgeous minds that I end up befriending.

So yes. Dallas Clayton. And his Awesome Book. I want to buy it, and the cute dinosaur poster up on his site.. Which I'll definitely do next pay check.


colson said...

I don't know about his books, but wow, has he got his looks:)!

For the rest I don't doubt the sun shines as much as it hides behind clouds. Just like Brian sung: "Always look on the bright side of life"....

Atri said...

He is rather good looking, Opa.. xD Hahaha, it doesn't hurt that h's child friendly and is good with colours.

Chuzai Living said...

What an interesting story of yours! :) Isn't it interesting how we can interact with people nowadays?